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  • 翻译练习 3

    农业是中国的一个重要产业,从业者超过3亿 Agriculture...which embraces 300 million workers。中国...

  • 读作文 2


  • 翻译练习 2

    我国食品种类繁多,节日食俗也丰富多彩。春节(the Spring Festival)是我国的传统节日,人们通常从它的前夜—除夕就开始张罗了。除夕...

  • 翻译练习 1

    The Silk Road The well-known Silk Road is a series routes linking the Ea...

  • 英语流利说懂你英语 Level6 Unit2 Part1 Reading2

    Sports Injuries Sports injuries are injuries that happen to athletes par...

  • 英语流利说懂你英语 Level6 Unit2 Part2 Dialogue

    A Fight between Lovers What's wrong?You look awful. My boyfriend and I h...