一点仪式感(允许我矫情一下下,嘻嘻) 支教日记 DAY26 ❤️ 今天是在annubannongyai支教的最后一天 ,回想这四个星期在泰国的经...
自从开始在家看书备考以来,就真的过上了衣来伸手,饭来张口,两耳不闻窗外事一心只读圣贤书的公主般的生活。 近日嗓子不适。某天晚上,老爸敲开了我房间...
1.hearfrom接到某人电话来信的意思 Learnfrom是获知获悉 Knowfrom可以表达获得但是味道不大对 Hearof是听说 Hea...
Hi Kevin, Good day. Watched the game last night?Awesome play of Dallas, ...
Hi Kevin, How's everything going? I'm touching basically for our coopera...
Dear Ms. Li, Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to ...
Dear professor Rao, My name is Lashay from XX University, majoring in ac...
Dear professor Rao, My name is Lashay from XX University, majoring in ac...
读大冰的文章,有种读武侠小说的酣畅感。就是那种大碗喝酒、大口吃肉,赤条条来去无牵挂潇洒快意之感。 每个故事都像是一个江湖,在这片江湖里故事的主角...