240 发简信
  • Resize,w 360,h 240
  • Raining

    I like this weather. The rain fell down the roads, trees and houses. The...

  • Sin of fosterers

    Whether a baby becomes a child or a child becomes a man, the parents and...

  • Please be a kind-hearted man

    If you're suffering, whether mentally or physically, it's a gift god giv...

  • Save

    I want to say what my life is right now. I feel a bit lost. Though my li...

  • Obey the Law of Forced Efficiency

    Your time is not always enough if you do all your things. But if you onl...

  • Focus On Key Result Areas

    Find out the task that has the best influence on your job. Focus on it. ...

    0.2 56 0 1
  • Consideration

    Try to spend more time considering your life and future, and you can spe...

  • The 80/20 rule

    Do you know the 80/20 rule? It means 20 percent of the whole thing is mo...

    0.2 54 0 1