240 发简信
  • 2017-07-02

    3:50 begin hairspa

  • 2017-07-02

    1. 在我的影响下 老公今天买书看书 还跟我讲书,简直太兴奋 2. 去吃了日料 3. 找到了MT攻破路径,发现think out of the ...

  • 签订仪式

    协议 ppt 摆台 ent单 menu安排 台卡 流程发送等

  • 2017-06-27

    1.上午听书《与繁重的工作一起修行》感到受益匪浅 虽然听过几次 但是每次听还是有更多的收获 每天做的每一件事情原来都可以如此慈悲 心情也因此平静...

  • 2017-06-25

    1. Read the book The happiness Equation; 2. Sleep late in the morning; 3...

  • for june 24th

    1. Listened to the online hr class and know about related laws; 2. Treat...

  • Taleo

    Windy/ liu kai/jasmine/jessie

  • Eve conclusions

    Share stories during recruitment. Sell the stories from property. Bring ...

  • 2017-06-23

    Every team member is a recruiter. Culture your managers.