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  • Book review

    Lydia is dead. 全书从这句话展开,一点一点揭露出Lydia的死因。作者穿插叙述了Lydia生前的心理活动和家人面对死亡的表现,在这...

  • Chapter 10

    Words The rims of her eyes ignite.She can picture her mother exactly: he...

  • Chapter 12

    Words She can feel the room is poised on the edge - of what, she's not s...

  • Chapter 11

    Words Nath had been too preoccupied, and pinning down his attention had ...

  • Chapter 7

    Expressions Nath, watching his sister's eyes blink and redden, felt a tw...

  • Chapter 7

    Words And Lydia herself - the reluctant center of their universe - every...

  • Chapter 5

    Vocabulary Then suddenly, her toes find the water. Below the low thrum o...

  • Chapter 4

    Vocabulary Marilyn leafed through photo albums for a picture of herself ...

  • Chapter 3

    Vocabulary He breaks off suddenly, as Nath's parents and Dr. Wolf come w...