240 发简信
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    太阳女神肆无忌惮的宣泄着 直到使所有人向她折服,弯腰,低头 炎夏午日路上再不见行人 她的狂躁症才得以平息 她也感觉到了不合群的痛苦 高高在...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240

    如果你高兴 去沉寂 如果你悲伤 去流浪 如果你孤单 去歌唱 如果你浮躁 去阅读 如果你畏缩 去远行 ……

Love to read literary poetry.

I hope to be able to make friends with friends in the circle of reading and writing.

I hope I can meet a group of interesting friends here.Write the glorious chapter of life with the literary poetry that you love.Meet the challenge and face the bright future.