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Success in life is like climbing a height. 成功的人生如同登高。
It has to be done step by step. 一步一步地拾级而上。
In the course of this there are certain crucial turning points. 这中间会有一个个关键的转折点。
Every time we encounter a wall while walking along a stretch of road. 每当我们走了一段路碰壁了。
we turn into a brand-new stretch of road. 这一个个转折点又把我们带上了一段段崭新的道路.
Sometimes. a turning point can appear out of nowhere. 有时候转折点就存在于不经意的瞬间.
but most of the time in our lives. 而更多的时候 turning points are only reached 需要我们付出巨大的努力 as the result of a great deal of hard work. 人生轨迹才会出现转折。
As long as we believe that I will persist until I succeed!