今天中午去附近一家麻辣烫店,在前台付钱的时候看见应该算是代理店长的脑袋正越过厨房和前台间的食物放置台,向里面质问着什么。 里面是一个顶着厨师帽、...
我和我妈差三十六岁,这年龄差在聚居人口不超过三百家的小村庄里不算常事。 也不知道当年三十六岁已经有一个十二岁正好开始调皮捣蛋的儿子的她,怎么突发...
MP:国会议员member of Parliament The UK faces a "democratic crisis" due to th...
Russian Hackers’ New Target: a Vulnerable Democratic Senator vulnerable:...
Greece wildfires: At least 74 dead as blaze 'struck like flamethrower' S...
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang calls for crackdown on vaccine industry Chine...
Macron orders office reorganisation over protester beating row reorganis...
The 12 boys rescued from a flooded cave in northern Thailand last week h...
Trump rejects proposal for Russia to interrogate US citizens interrogate...