Doctors in Tokyo led the research.It examined more than four thousand pe...
第二周结束了。 上周没怎么早起,都是听的录音。原因就是白天总无所事事,到了晚上就忙碌起来,而且越晚越精神,第二天根本起不来。偶尔听到了闹钟,上了...
The study was published in the British medical magazine, The Lancet. ðə ...
However, a new Japanese study questions the usefulness of mouth-to-mouth...
CPR keeps blood and oxygen flowing to the heart and brain. si-pi-ɑr kips...
CPR combines breathing into the victim's mouth and repeated presses on t...
今天星期六没有早课和任务,主要做了以下两件事情 : 1)早起听新概念组长分享使用新概念学英语的经验。 在新二小组练习朗读半年多,水平只是大致能看...
Without lifesaving measures, the brain starts to die within four to six ...
The heart stops pumping blood. The person stops breathing. ðə hɑrt stɑps...