240 发简信
  • 15.Rheumatic Fever

    Student: Professor Smith, how do we define"rheumatic fever" 史密斯教授,我们如何给风...

  • 14.Leukemia

    Student: Professor Smith, could you tell us something about leukemia? 史密...

  • 13.Tumor

    Doctor: Sit down, please! How are you feeling? 请坐,你感觉怎么样? Patient: I thi...

  • 12.Cancer

    Patient: Dr. Brown, one of my best friends died of lung cancer yesterday...

  • 11.Thyroiditis

    Student: How do you define thyroiditis? 如何给甲状腺炎下定义呢? Prodessor: Thyroidi...

  • 10.Heart Disease

    Student: Is heart disease a major killer in the world? 心脏病是世界上主要杀手吗 P:Ye...

  • 9.Disease

    Student: Why are many people predisposed to various diseases? 为什么许多人患有各种...

  • 8.Infection

    Student: What is infection? 什么是感染? Professor: Infection is the state p...

  • 7 Burn 烧伤

    Student: Could you define the term "burn"? 你能告诉我们烧伤的定义吗? Professor:...

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