翻译目录 People tend to be unaware of an app’s navigation until it doesn’t m...
翻译目录 Many apps allow people to shake the device to undo and redo certain...
命题好大,但我想小着来写,不然觉得纷繁复杂,一时半会是写不完的。这让我想起来一个德国的哲学家,莱布尼兹, 他做事很有意思,一天,有个皇室...
翻译目录 iOS offers extensive accessibility features for users with vision l...
翻译目录 People interact with an iOS device by performing gestures on the to...
翻译目录 Some apps may need to provide a way to make setup or configuration ...
翻译目录 Every word in your app is part of a conversation with your users. U...