Shia W. Majer is a self-taught artist and fashion designer who owns her eponymous fashion brand, she was also well-known as a Tarot reader, astrologer and hypnotherapist. At the age of 22, Shia founded her fashion brand Shia Majer, her designs were all inspired by her personal stories, women's rights and the power of LGBTQ community. After her first show's success, "LGBTQ" became the signature of her brand, Shia took this as an opportunity to come out as a transgender woman in one of her speeches, and officially became a transgender activist. Six months later, Shia finally came out to her parents and got the support from her family, Shia is now a writer who writes articles to support the LGBTQ community in China, she also began writing her biography <She>.<br><br>Shia Majer 魏莱, 英国 Shia Majer Co., Limited. CEO&创意总监,亦是中国最早一批发扬西洋命理术的占卜师之一,17岁便获IHNMA认证催眠治疗师资质。曾受Education First英孚教育、立群心理研究院等教育和心理机构邀请,在广州、佛山、汕头等地开设沙龙活动。2016年创办个人同名时装品牌Shia Majer,品牌服装均以天文学星体和星际主题命名,系列多反应同志、跨性别、女性维权等人文现象,22岁出道半年双开两场大秀并登上电视台与各大网络自媒体。同年出柜MTF跨性别获家人身份理解,中文名改名“魏莱”,先后于美国领事馆、Yi-Gather创业社区、Art 23当代艺术馆、Chao+ Talk等文化、艺术与创业交流中心出任演讲嘉宾。2017年开始书写个人变性自传《She 她》。<br><br>时尚类、命理类、演讲类的商业活动请联系微博/微信/Facebook:<br>+QQ/微信: 773007508(仅限商业合作添加)<br>+新浪微博 @ShiaMajer <br><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a><br>+豆瓣: <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a><br>+简书: <a href="//" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">//</a><br>分类文集:<br>【She 她 / 我的变性自传】<br><a href="//" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">//</a><br>【She 她 / 写作花絮】<br><a href="//" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">//</a><br>【那些改变你一生的产品】<br><a href="//" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">//</a><br>【我是艺术家】<br>待更新。。。<br>【我是命理家】<br>待更新。。。<br>【我是演说家】<br><a href="//" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">//</a><br>【生活随笔】<br><a href="//" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">//</a><br><br>+YouTube @Shia Majer<br>+Facebook @Shia Majer<br>+Instagram @shiamajer<br>+Twitter @shiamajer<br>+Tumblr: <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>