矫情不能当饭吃,比你强大的人都在拼命,你有什么理由不努力。Hypocrisy can not be eaten as a meal, peopl...
就当是月亮失了约,我要对你适可而止啦。As if the moon has broken its appointment, I will sto...
深夜仰望星空的人一定很孤独吧。People who look up at the stars late at night must be ver...
花自向阳开 人终往前走。The flowers blossom to the sun and people move on at last. 偶...
我们都很好,只是时间不凑巧。We're all fine, but it's just bad timing. 很难受吧,明明曾经那么好突然就陌...
亲手删了自己喜欢的人,到后来又拼命的打探她的消息。I deleted my favorite person by myself, and the...
生活可以随心所欲,但不能随波逐流。Life can do whatever you want, but you can't go with th...
小时候披着床单玩得像个疯子,长大后抱着被子哭得像个傻子。When I was a child, I played like a madman w...
人生从来不是乐土,各有各的苦。Life is never a paradise, each has its own bitterness. 迟来...