今日学习句子:Twenty-two percent survived with good brain ability. ˈtwɛnti-tu p...
今日学习音标:/dz/,/ts/,/tr/,/dr/ 学习句子: The researchers say any kind of CPR...
今日学习:/j/ ,/u / 学习句子:Seven hundred and twelve received CPR.Four hundred a...
今日学习:/w/,/h/,/l/ 学习句子: In all the cases, witnesses saw the event happen....
今日份学习:/g/,/ɔ/,/ɜ/ 学习时间:2h 学习句子:Doctors in Tokyo led the research.ˈdɑktər...
今日学习句子:The study was published in the British medical magazine, The Lanc...
今天学习:/t/,/d/,/dʒ/,/tʃ/ 学习句子:However, a new Japanese study questions the ...
今日学习:腹部呼吸+/ə/, /ʊ/, /əʊ/ 学习时长:2h 今天s老师主要说的是腹部呼吸训练,能让我们缓解口腔胀痛,但我不知道是不是所有的...
今日学习:/p/,/b/,/s/,/z/ 学习时长:3.5h 今早老师说了个“认知基模”,就是当我们在学习一个很熟悉的东西时,因为我们内心存在一...