240 发简信
  • To Shirou and Saber

    When the sword broke the rocks, They cannot escape their sealed fates. W...

  • 闲聊20180812

    最近很奇怪,其实也还好,我一直都很奇怪,只是最近愈发奇怪。。。。 我常常问自己,为什么要听音乐,越听越难受,越难受越想听,倒不是音乐本身有多么悲...

  • Lie on the lawn

    With you, I want to lie on the lawn, Seeing the sun, dining at dawn. Wit...

  • Lost in the Campus 01

    Lost in the abyss, Unable not to miss. In the air flows the snow, In the...

  • Pickles

    Pickles! pickles! pickles! Fermenting in ripples. Bibber, bibber, bibber...

  • Preface (updated in 20180414)

    (注:文集中除preface置顶,其余按时间顺序排列,最前为最近) 好喜欢英语! 只可惜,总觉得自己的喜欢好浅薄,不过浅薄这个标准的界定又何从而...

  • To Lolitas

    Your rouge in zephyr fades, Your lace flows as you pace. Your pumps pres...

  • I thought that I was the vampire

    I thought that I was the vampire, Slashing at what made me choke, But me...

  • Dreams

    Beaten into despair, By the hooves of Nightmare Dreams remained tricks, ...
