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泛型信息只存在于代码编译阶段,在进入 JVM 之前,与泛型相关的信息会被擦除掉。 引入泛型的目的:Generics were introduce...
在泛型代码中,?被称为通配符,用于表示未知类型。可被用于:the type of a parameter, field, or local va...
在泛型类型实例化和泛型方法调用的例子中,我们已经接触到了Type Inference。本章就来详细介绍Type Inference。 Type ...
我们先来看一段代码: 这样写是没有问题的,因为String是Object的子类。现在我们来看另一段代码: 这段代码能过通过编译吗?答案是不行,因...
What and Why There may be times when you want to restrict the types that...
Generic methods are methods that introduce their own type parameters. Th...
Generic Types A generic type is a generic class or interface that is par...
Why Use Generics In a nutshell, generics enable types (classes and inter...