Map is a function to save data through key-values.Correspondingly,the 'key' and the 'va...
Map is a function to save data through key-values.Correspondingly,the 'key' and the 'va...
Collection Collection is an interface of collection class,which defines common methods ...
Data Calender (Abstract class)
The Basic Class Library There is no need to recite those functions.But we still should ...
The Anonymous Object We create an anonymous object for this object can only be used onc...
One class only in a project,but we still need redefine a class in a defined class reaso...
The Inheritance of Polymorphism The characteristics of the inheritance of polymorphism ...
Rent a house through an agent A further comprehence about Interface & polimorphism
Asychronous invocation(异步调用) 软件模块之间存在调用的接口,从调用方式来看,有同步调用、回调、异步调用这三种方式:同步调用是是一种阻塞式调用,调用方...
Hardware Interface USB interface , UTP(网线接口) Interface 一流的企业订协议二流的企业做产品 a.More abstract...
1.An abstract,sa its name suggest,is something abstract.But we still can realize method...
For making the app operating influently,the developver of this app usually use the sing...
The same method but different forms when invoked. Fof example,a function is to make sb....
1.Inheritance 1.The inheritance is a crucial means in software interoperability(软件互用) s...
1.The SET method & GET method We can use SET method to set value for a private member i...
1.The Method Overloading The method name is duplicate but the parameter is different in...
1.The transfer of a parameter2.The variable parameter(可变参数)(The amount of parameter is ...
JAVA is an object-oriented language,all things can be objects(saved in a class)The meth...
The Array in JAVA We can define an array by this wayit's a dynamic array,which is neede...
First of all,the programming ideas of the object-oriented programming and process-orien...