iOS开发之RAC+MVVM实战简介 MVVM:Model–View–Viewmode 是一种软件架构模式。其主作用就是解决Controller代码过于臃肿的问题。因为传统MVC中的Controller要负...
Swift数据解析之KaKaJson的基本用法继MJExtion之后的KaKaJson是swift语言中的数据解析库,他也是传奇MJ大神的产物,下面我介绍下他的基本使用方法pod 导入 1.首页先创建一个BaseMode...
1.打开梯子 2.在.zshrc中设置 export http_proxy=socks5:// https_proxy=$http_p...
CocoaPods踩坑:activate_dependencies': Could not find 'CFPropertyList' (>= 2.3.3, < 4.0) a...
final CompletableFuture<Void> closeFuture = apnsClient.close();
All APNs clients—even those that have never sent a message—may allocate and hold on to system resources, and it's important to release them. APNs clients are intended to be persistent, long-lived resources; you definitely don't need to shut down a client after sending a notification (or even batch of notifications), but you'll want to shut down your client (or clients) when your application is shutting down:
转载: https://blog.csdn.net/qq871531334/article/details/82288933 WenyHoooo 版权声明: https://...
资料WWDC 2018 - iOS Memory Deep Dive 运行环境:iPhone XS - iOS 13.5.1 平时在开发过程中,总会遇到内存占用过高的问题。...
编译器背景 GCC LLVM LLVM比gcc的优势是模块化,中间端都是统一的,添加新的语言的话,只需要添加一个新的前端就行 Clang clang是LLVM的子项目,是LL...
学习汇编,可以应用在逆向、外挂等用途,能帮助我们对计算机运行程序本质认识得更清楚 前置知识 32位系统与64位系统区别 32位操作系统,是用32个0、1来表示1个内存单元(字...
1. Xcode 控制台报错 :Exception: MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method to...
实现方案来自度娘 1.在SDWebImage目录下的 UIImage+MultiFormat.m 文件中增加方法 2.在该文件下面方法中调用
OC源码:https://opensource.apple.com/tarballs/objc4/ 定时器 CADisplayLink (调用频率和帧率保持一致 60fps)...