Our aim is a means toward living a decent human life,the life of a free man of a free c...
Our aim is a means toward living a decent human life,the life of a free man of a free c...
书籍的制作是无止境的,书单也是,会随着时代的变化而变化。The listing of the books is as old as reading and writing. ...
婚姻是一座围城,一旦进去了,男女双方之间的性生活便是家常便饭。 但如果女性还没做好怀孕的准备,男性又没有采取相应的避孕措施,那么避孕药就成了大多数女性的主要选择。 2017年...
“Of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.” “著书...
Say you understand,or you have to read it again.☹️ Like this Totally agree with him fou...
I choose her because of her picture.I also downloaded one from the Internet.It 's reall...
As the CET six drawing near,I feel exhausted and anxious.I am still same as usual.I’m d...
If it is the subject matter of the book we are interested in,and not just the author,we...
'There's only one person in this whole world like you,and people can like you exactly a...
Read the book with your X-ray eyes. These rules apply to science as well as poetry,and ...
我学生时期交过一个男朋友。 恋爱时,他秀恩爱对我分组可见; 分手后,他秀恩爱对我分组不可见。 我们在一起四年,他只发过一条关于我的状态,并且后来被我发现只是对我分组可见。 分...
以前看《打工仔买房记》时,总感觉男主角武诚治在上司那里受尽刁难。 上司派他去买便当,做杂务,武诚治受不了领导的刁难选择了辞职,变成了一个家里蹲。 武城治在家过着衣来伸手饭来张...
现在流行每日恐婚。 大家觉得,男女交往真特么难,干脆单身算了。 其实,没必要因噎废食,男女之间的交往,就像游泳,没有不呛水就能学会游泳的,聪明人能从呛水中找到技巧和方法,不得...
说来惭愧,有一个大学同班同学,我直到毕业后才认识。 在一次偶然的聚会中,我注意到了她:马尾辫,淡妆,黑白配色。她坐在角落里,友善地和人交谈,人散了,她也不去搭话,自顾自拿出手...
十岁,别人竞选班长,积极热心,和同学打成一片;而你坐在角落里,默默从不发言。 二十岁,别人开始认真规划将来;而你读着普通的大学和专业,不知路在何方。 三十岁,别人事业有成,家...