狠下心付款购买懂你英语的那天,暗自立誓每天无论多么忙碌,一定抽出半个小时精进英语。 但总会有那么一天,或是在外旅游学习不便,或是忙碌一天大脑昏昏沉沉,临睡前突然意识到今天可能...
狠下心付款购买懂你英语的那天,暗自立誓每天无论多么忙碌,一定抽出半个小时精进英语。 但总会有那么一天,或是在外旅游学习不便,或是忙碌一天大脑昏昏沉沉,临睡前突然意识到今天可能...
Kathy usually gets up at 6:30, but this morning, she didn’t hear her alarm. As a result...
【年终收尾】岁末,让生活从零开始前记: 好久没有更新了,冷不丁的发一篇文章,不知道还会有人看到吗hhhhh. 英语流利说的文章应该不会更新了(维护的工作还是会继续完成的),因为我学习英语的阶段性目的已经达到...
前记: 好久没有更新了,冷不丁的发一篇文章,不知道还会有人看到吗hhhhh. 英语流利说的文章应该不会更新了(维护的工作还是会继续完成的),因为我学习英语的阶段性目的已经达到...
Jessica is 35 years old. She graduated from middle school 20 years ago. This year her m...
@Noah糯鸭粥 厉害的!佩服你的坚持
懂你英语 Level4 Unit2 Part2 Vocabulary - DisastersEarthquakes are caused by forces deep within the Earth. When the earth shakes, building...
@Noah糯鸭粥 离开流利说?题主你之前是在流利说平台工作还是学习压?
懂你英语 Level4 Unit2 Part1 Listening - Extinction Events 2Scientists estimate that there have been at least 5 mass extinctions in the last 540 mi...
A cell is the basicunitof life. The cell is the smallest structure that can live and re...
You don't look good. Is something bothering you? Yes, it's my landlord. Oh, it there so...
Goods and services supply what people need or want. Goods are things such as food and c...
Honey bees are social insects that live in colonies. A bee colony consists of a queen b...
Honeybees play an interesting and important role in nature. In addition to making honey...
Hey, have you decided how you're going to vote? No, I haven't. I don't like any of thec...
China is the second-largest country in the world by land area. A major issue for China ...
A person's debt is how much he or she owes to others. Debt can be in the form of money,...
Lang Lang is one of the world's greatest concert pianists. His first contact with weste...
I hear you lost your job. Is that right? Yes, that's right. I quit. I quit because of t...