look for寻找look after照顾look over检查look forward to期待 to doing sthi’m looki...
Buck pulled on the harness a little, getting ready. 巴克拉紧了腕具,做好了准备。 ' Rig...
Thornton, Hans and Pete talked for a minute. 桑顿,汉斯和皮特交谈了一会儿。 They had on...
as 1.作为(最核心)2.像,如同 into 1.进入(通常与动态动词连用)(物理性进入)2.转变成(精神性进入)3.热衷于(身体性进入) l...
Suddenly Thornton was worried. 突然桑顿开始担心了。 He knew Buck was strong , but ...
That winter, at Dawson, Buck did something that made him even more famou...
Thornton knew that they would not get to the bank quickly enough, so he ...
Then a crowd of people pulled Buck off, and a doctor was called . 之后一群人把...
Thornton wondered if Buck would obey any order, even a crazy one. 桑顿想知道巴...