I enjoyed a great workshop with my coworkers on at work, how to be candid & helpful whe...
As a user experience designer, aside from being a advocate for user needs and business ...
今天开始增加口语练习的材料. 祝大家在新的一年里,每天都有进步! 口语 本周的材料为《三个小技巧助你克服拖延症》,一段五分钟的演讲视频,链接:http://163.lu/wy...
实在不敢相信,2016年这么快就要过去了。 2016年是充满故事的一年,也是我作为一个设计师迅速成长的一年。一年这么过去,如果不用文字记录下来,如果就任日子如流水般地过去的话...
儿子过年刚两岁,每天下班回家,他都会缠着我到外面去。 他最喜欢的地方,莫过于家门口的文具店和零食店-每次他都会在里面东看看,西摸摸,探索每一个没见过的产品。 一开始我就被动跟...
I've always been curious how great companies were built, and what mindsets the founders...
The Ladies of Product group held a great experience sharing and learning workshop today...
英语逗号的主要作用是避免歧意,和分隔同类的成分。 1.用来分隔一连串的事物/动作. 2.副词性质的元素在句首的时候. -副词,副词从句,不定式,较长的介词短语 3.同位语 4...
That's a good idea ! I would like to try that.
Don't Let Newsletters Overwhelm Your InboxI love subscribing to newsletters to keep up with the latest trends in technology and d...
You'll notice good and bad designs around you, if you pay enough attention to the surro...
I see . Then it's correct
Find Your StyleI've been doodling daily for over a year, and it has become an indispensable part of my...
@doooodles good to know
Find Your StyleI've been doodling daily for over a year, and it has become an indispensable part of my...
You are right
Find Your StyleI've been doodling daily for over a year, and it has become an indispensable part of my...
@doooodles great
Where's Summer?Oakland , San Francisco Bay Area, is sooooo cold in the morning this summer so far. Mos...