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  • Iris - 银行工作并没有特别难,是个替代性很强的工作,所以最重要的是如何和人交流打交道

    Q: 大家好,这是第三次节目。我们这次请到的嘉宾是Iris同学。 I: 大家好! Q: Iris是上期嘉宾小绿同学的朋友,是小绿介绍给我们认识的。那Iris,你也和小绿同学一...

  • @i美妙 其实都很不流畅啊,从小写作文就差TT

    The Future of Work

    I’ve been reading “Remote: Office Not Required” by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Han...

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    关于城市的概念有很多,智慧城市,可持续城市,绿色城市,包含了人们对未来的各种美好期望。伦敦的未来城市创新中心Future Cities Catapult对种种概念还专门做了研...

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    南岸(Southbank),泰晤士河的南岸,一般指的是与西敏寺隔岸相望,南岸艺术中心周围的区域。 南岸艺术中心(Southbank Centre)是包含了皇家节日音乐厅(Ro...

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    上上周日在雷克雅未克碰到了一个很有趣的活动,只要有能上网的智能手机,就可以每晚在音乐厅Harpa的立面上玩乓(Pong)这个游戏。Harpa Pong这个项目是由Atli B...

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    2012年威尼斯建筑双年展上,英国的参展项目是Venice Takeaway。10个团队在10个国家进行了研究并希望他们的成果可以对英国本土有借鉴意义。去年在英国皇家建筑师协...

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    Wuhan, the new C40 member city

    On 17th June, Wuhan officially became the latest member of the C40 Cities Climate Leade...

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    Cargo bike for delivery? Sounds familiar to me

    I used to shop a lot online when I was living in China, sometimes as frequent as severa...

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    Guangfucheng, is it really the first Smart City project in China?

    Beijing Review published a report recently on Guangfucheng, the claimed “first ‘smart c...

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    Bus City

    It’s hard to believe that Xinxiang, my hometown in China, an “under-developed medium-si...