落叶蕴育萌芽,生机藏于肃杀 (Fallen leaves accumulate bud, vitality hidden in the sole...
机息心清,月到风来 (The machine is clear, the moon to the wind) 【原文】 机息时便有月到风来,不必...
若要功夫深,铁杆磨成针 (If you want to work hard, the iron rod grinding into a need...
祸福苦乐,一念之差 (Misfortune, pain and joy, a miss) 【原文】 人生福境祸凶皆念想造成,故释氏云:“利欲炽然...
人我合一之时,则云留而鸟伴 (When man and I are one, the clouds remain and the birds a...
山居清丽,人都俗气 (Elegant and beautifulon the hill, people are tacky) 【原文】 山居胸次...
人我一视,动静两忘 (People that I take a look, movementoftwo forget) 【原文】 喜寂厌喧者往往...
修行宜绝迹于尘寰,悟道当涉足于世俗 (Practice should be extinct in the world, and enlighte...
勿待兴尽,适可而止 (Don't wait, stop) 【原文】 笙歌正浓处,便自拂衣长往,羡达人撒手悬崖;更漏已残时,犹然夜行不休,笑俗士沉...