吹毛求疵的人即便在天堂也能挑出瑕疵 梭罗《节选》无论你的生活如何卑微,要正视它,生活下去;不要躲避它,也不要恶语相加。你的生活不像你本人那么糟糕。你最富有的时候,你的生活看上去倒是最贫穷的。 吹毛求疵的人即便在天堂也能挑出...
吹毛求疵的人即便在天堂也能挑出瑕疵 梭罗《节选》无论你的生活如何卑微,要正视它,生活下去;不要躲避它,也不要恶语相加。你的生活不像你本人那么糟糕。你最富有的时候,你的生活看上去倒是最贫穷的。 吹毛求疵的人即便在天堂也能挑出...
hindsight /ˈhaɪndˌsaɪt/ 【英英释义】 n. hindsight is the ability to understan and realize som...
landscape 【英英释义】 n.1. the landscape is everything you can see when you look across an a...
resilience 【英英释义】 n. the ability to become strong, happy, or successful again after a d...
U-turn 【英英释义】 n. if you make a U-turn when you are driving or cycling, you turn in a ha...
laggard/ˈlæɡəd/ 【英英释义】 n. if you describe a country, company, or product as a laggard, ...
status quo/ˌsteɪtəsˈkwəʊ/ 【英英释义】 n. the status quo is the state of affairs that exists ...
rivalry 【英英释义】 n. rivalry is competition for fighting between people, business, or orga...
influx 【英英释义】 n. an influx of people or things into a place is their arrival there in l...
mantra/ˈmæntrə/ 【英英释义】 n. a mantra is a word or phrase repeated by Buddhists and Hindus...
prowess /'praʊɪs/ 【英英释义】 n. someone's prowess is their great skill at doing soemthing. ...
wake 【英英释义】 v. when you wake or when someone or something wakes you, you become conscio...
sentiment 【英英释义】 n.1. a sentiment that people have is an attitude which is based on the...
inertia/ɪ'nɜːʃə/ 【英英释义】 n. if you have a feeling of inertia, you feel very lazy and unw...
candidate 【英英释义】 n. a candidate is someone who is being considered for a position, for ...
slippery slope 【英英释义】 a bad situation or habit which, after it has started, is likely t...
caliber/calibre In British use calibre, In America use caliber. 【英英释义】 n.1. the calibre...