Europe is beginning to break up Facebook's business 欧洲开始打破Facebook的业务 Facebook built a ...
Europe is beginning to break up Facebook's business 欧洲开始打破Facebook的业务 Facebook built a ...
WhatsApp is getting ready for the world's biggest election Whatsapp正在为世界上最大的选举做好准备。 Wha...
They saved migrants from deportation. Now they face life in jail deportation驱逐出境 jail监狱...
Brexit is happening, with or without a deal 英国脱欧正在发生,不管有没有达成协议 As things stand, Brexit ...
Highlights from couture week: Missing Karl, memes and latex couture服装设计师/kuː'tjʊə/ 高级定制...
Extreme weather is so bad in some parts of the country, even the US Postal Service won'...
1 公顷=10000 平方米=100 公亩=15 市亩 1 公亩=100 平方米 1平方米=0.0015亩 因此,1亩=666.67平方米
This hillside community is where President Nicolas Maduro has nurtured his base of poor...
Why a military spat between Japan and South Korea could snowball into crisis? spat 争吵/s...
It might just be a commercial -- Australian Lamb's annual advertisement ahead of Austra...
"It is always CBP's preference to acquire property through a voluntary, negotiated sale...
快公司 男性和女性之间潜在的人脉鸿沟 networking n.联网 It’s been said that it’s not what you know but who y...
卫报文章 蛋白质狂潮:富人世界新近的饮食执念 Protein 蛋白质 Mania. n.狂热/'meɪnɪə/ obsession /əb'seʃ(ə)n/ n. 困扰 Ar...
“虎嗅APP” 流媒体指以流方式在网络中传送音频、视频和多媒体文件的媒体形式。相对于下载后观看的网络播放形式而言,流媒体的典型特征是把连续的音频和视频信息压缩后放到网络服务器...
公众号“早安英语”文章 今天这篇我特别喜欢 filler words翻译成汉语是填充词,就是类似有的人总是说额(⊙o⊙)…,嗯(⊙_⊙),那个 下面介绍几种英语对话中常用的填...
公众号“北京日报”文章 网友信的内容( Complaint letter )↓ Refund now! Registered and used ofo in my Alipa...
公众号"这里是美国"文章 钱钟书是博通古今中外的大学问家,当年他老人家考大学的时候数学只考了15分,但是国文和英文都达到了让老师叹为观止的水平,其中他的英文更是考到了不可思议...