【第一天】 搭乘地铁前往<苏州河畔国际青年旅舍>建于1933年,是原上海滩老大杜月笙的私家仓库,改造而成,设施陈旧,外国人入住多,胜在有一条生机...
1. get the ball rolling = start now 2. Sleep on it = think about the des...
《少有人走的路》这本书在读完第一部分就很想分享,通过阅读这本书,让我更好地发现到心里许多模棱两可及疑惑的事情;在书中与心理学家斯科特· 派克 对...
#55idioms# #55 Note# 1. get the ball rolling = start now 2. Sleep on it ...
#55 Note# Here's many ways to agree and disagree with something or someo...
That's very unfortunate. This is still a very deep question to me. Hones...
To ask you could say: 1. I'm sorry, I've got a terrible fever who can't ...
Thanks a lot to Sophia who gave me this chance to share a little bit exp...
学习英语这条路上你问我最大的收获是什么?那就是给孩子一个很好的榜样,我的学习态度影响了她。 并没有刻意去要求孩子去学习英语,背单词啥...