情景一 桃桃第一次上语言课,老师风趣幽默,把要学的知识当怪兽,学知识就是打怪兽,要选个国王,带领大家一起打怪兽!哪些同学想当国王呢? 讲台下二十个孩子有十几个异常亢边举手边说...
情景一 桃桃第一次上语言课,老师风趣幽默,把要学的知识当怪兽,学知识就是打怪兽,要选个国王,带领大家一起打怪兽!哪些同学想当国王呢? 讲台下二十个孩子有十几个异常亢边举手边说...
这本书看的有点晚了,因为有些问题困惑了我很久,从这本书里终于找到了答案! 1.孩子是否应该早点识字? 如果识字就能读书,那么只要是中文,再专业艰涩的书,我们都能从头到尾的读,...
心碎的感觉是多么痛苦,夹杂着沮丧!这个暑假回老家探亲,所遇所感直击灵魂深处,疲惫不堪…… 疗愈心病最好的方法是安静的呆着,如果待着还是不能自愈,读书读书…… 读书是能让自己内...
1.I have a good idea 2.I will 3.Give you a present 4.I am sad/across/happy/surprise 5...
作为一名科学老师,一直在思考,我们要教给孩子的是什么? 能让孩子们享用不尽的知识吗?知识会忘记?而且很容易通过百度或网络上找到,我们要教给孩子的是生活的需要,学...
学习是出于自己喜欢,是出于强烈的好奇心和求知欲,是出于科学课好玩有趣! 如果仅仅停留在物质奖励,又怎能长久?是否考虑过,学习是人一生的事?终身学习,终身成长! 我们要做的是保...
1.what is that?Its car 2.we can go by car 3.open the door 4.get in the car 5.fasten the...
1.lets take a bath 2.the water is warm. 3.look,bubbles. 4.we are done,let me dry you wi...
1.stop whatch TV,its over. 2.Your eye get bad.please back off a little. 3.Lets turn of...
33/1000 等有空的时候,我要重新整理幼儿英语启蒙的 1-2-3各个小细节。今天先简单说说,想到什么说什么。 我家5小冬冬7.5岁,刚进去英文章节书阅读,她很沉迷进去《A...
1.what weather? cloudly/sunny/rainy 2.alittle hot/cold
1.You are right 2.good girl 3.great 4.nice 5.good job 6.very good 7.well done
1.what color is it? lts blue/pueple/pink/writer 2.where is blue? lts here!
1.have a nice dream 2.Goodnight 3.l love you!
1.what are you doing? you are walking on the road 2.wthah out for the car! 3.Look,what ...
1.what a mess Its messy 2.lets tidy up the toys 3.lets put it in the toy chest 4.good ...
1.what is this? 2.face/nose/arm/leg/hair/month/ear/foot/hand/shoulder/ass/finger 3.fart放屁
1.let get dressed 2.let put on your tops 3.rise yourarms 4.Here we go
1.Its time to for breakfast /lunch 2.Eat by yourself 3.sit down 4.Are you finished?