@1cfe2fc68dee 从TED官网上查到的原文就是cash in哦,另外,我是男的哈哈
流利说-懂你英语-个人笔记 Level8-Unit1-Part1:The Math of Love英语流利说 Level8 Unit1 Part1 : The Math of LoveHannah Fry: The mathematics of loveTEDxBingh...
@1cfe2fc68dee 从TED官网上查到的原文就是cash in哦,另外,我是男的哈哈
流利说-懂你英语-个人笔记 Level8-Unit1-Part1:The Math of Love英语流利说 Level8 Unit1 Part1 : The Math of LoveHannah Fry: The mathematics of loveTEDxBingh...
流利说-懂你英语-个人笔记 Level8-Unit2-Part2:The riddle of experience vs. memory英语流利说 Level8 Unit2 Part2 : The riddle of experience vs. memoryDaniel Kahneman: The ridd...
@吃昆兰豆腐_ 👍太感动了,下一阶段我暂时没有打算,我已经把英语应用融入到日常了哈哈。
流利说-懂你英语-个人笔记 Level8 Unit3 Part3:The history of our world英语流利说 Level8 Unit3 Part3 :The history of our worldDavid Christian: The history of our w...
@药本无毒 好像还真是,我回头查查
流利说-懂你英语-个人笔记 Level8-Unit1-Part2:On Controlling AI英语流利说 Level8 Unit1 Part2 : On Controlling AISam Harris: Can we build AI without losing ...
流利说-懂你英语-个人笔记 Level8 Unit3 Part3:The history of our world英语流利说 Level8 Unit3 Part3 :The history of our worldDavid Christian: The history of our w...
@药本无毒 后面的starve是“饥饿,饥荒”的意思,“饥荒自由”说不通呀,“财务自由”、“吃饱自由”倒是说得通😃
流利说-懂你英语-个人笔记 Level8-Unit1-Part2:On Controlling AI英语流利说 Level8 Unit1 Part2 : On Controlling AISam Harris: Can we build AI without losing ...
@c7834221e7cd 我又查了下,TED官网的英文文本是这么写的
流利说-懂你英语-个人笔记 Level8-Unit1-Part2:On Controlling AI英语流利说 Level8 Unit1 Part2 : On Controlling AISam Harris: Can we build AI without losing ...
英语流利说 Level8 Unit3 Part3 :The history of our worldDavid Christian: The history of our w...
@Kileee 感谢夸奖😊
流利说-懂你英语-个人笔记 Level7-Unit1-Part3:On Endurance英语流利说 Level7 Unit1 Part3 : On EnduranceDavid Blaine: How I held my breath for 17 minute...
@Kileee 好,那我就修改下,我之前很长一段时间都理解不了这个
流利说-懂你英语-个人笔记 Level7-Unit1-Part3:On Endurance英语流利说 Level7 Unit1 Part3 : On EnduranceDavid Blaine: How I held my breath for 17 minute...
我查了下medical PST,截了个图,并且更新在了文章中,不知道与你对这个词的认识相符不?
流利说-懂你英语-个人笔记 Level7-Unit1-Part3:On Endurance英语流利说 Level7 Unit1 Part3 : On EnduranceDavid Blaine: How I held my breath for 17 minute...
@黄庆_268f stand up会不会更强调“站起来”的过程,而不是站着不动,坐以待毙呢?按照我的理解,我在这里把“站起来”夸张为“跳起来”,就是想突出演讲者是个行动派,而不是只会跳出来讲漂亮的话。
流利说-懂你英语-个人笔记 Level7-Unit2-Part1:Never, Ever Give Up英语流利说 Level7 Unit2 Part1 : Never, Ever Give UpDiana Nyad: Never, Ever Give Up[http://op...
@BettermanMD 我在亚马逊查到了这个东西,叫starting block,确实是助跑器的意思,感谢指正,之前我怎么搜不搜到
流利说-懂你英语-个人笔记 Level8-Unit1-Part3:On Sports Technology英语流利说 Level8 Unit1 Part3 : On Sports TechnologyDavid Epstein: Are athletes really getti...
@Kile_d6d9 专业👍我马上修改
流利说-懂你英语-个人笔记 Level7-Unit1-Part3:On Endurance英语流利说 Level7 Unit1 Part3 : On EnduranceDavid Blaine: How I held my breath for 17 minute...
@吃昆兰豆腐_ 哈哈谢谢😄
流利说-懂你英语-个人笔记 Level7-Unit3-Part2:On Reading Minds英语流利说 Level7 Unit3 Part2 : On Reading MindsRebecca Saxe: How we read each other's minds...
英语流利说 Level8 Unit3 Part2 :Healing ArchitectureMichael Murphy: Architecture that's built...
@我亦是行人_4442 谢谢,我最近偷了太多懒!
流利说-懂你英语-个人笔记 Level8-Unit3-Part1:Evolving Our Bodies英语流利说 Level8 Unit3 Part1 :Evolving Our BodiesJuan Enriquez: What will humans look like ...
英语流利说 Level8 Unit3 Part1 :Evolving Our BodiesJuan Enriquez: What will humans look like ...