this is special: If the capture-default is =, subsequent simple captures must begin wit...
this is special: If the capture-default is =, subsequent simple captures must begin wit...
is the 47th president of US
正如6月15日预测的那样,石破茂当选 看这个内阁组成,很明显是妥协的产物;而石破茂演说后面,自民党干事麻生太郎和総理大臣岸田文雄的表情也说明了问题 而根据《读卖新闻》和TBS...
这次应该unrate吧? AK的人太多了
GG 两题 T2一开始以为是 统计上升四元组[] 的思路 ...
Daily problem: 2398. Maximum Number of Robots Within Budget[
Hall of Fame[]Blog[https://www.cnblogs...
T2: binary searchT3: brainteaserT4: shortest path + DP + mask T3: 从 i 到 j 的得分是 (j - i) ...