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  • 这是一碗鸡汤!



  • 写在2016年10月20号

    从某一天开始变的理智,然后意识到自己之前做事比较感性。 情绪是能力不足的产物, 最近在有意识的观察自己的情绪,也有意识的控制自己的情绪。 对于毫无顾忌的表达自己的想法对我来说...

  • Autonomy-7

    6. Learn to soothe yourself. Give yourself permission to acknowledge and feel your feel...

  • Autonomy-6

    5. Meet your needs. People in codependent relationships are great at meeting others’ ne...

  • Autonomy-5

    4. Start making your own decisions. One way to ease into making your own decisions is b...

  • Autonomy-4

    3. Become assertive. Becoming assertive is a powerful way to improve your life and boos...

  • Autonomy-3

    2. Challenge your beliefs and assumptions. Observe your beliefs, and be willing to ques...

  • Autonomy-2

    1. Get to know yourself. “You can’t be independent if you don’t know who you are,” Lanc...

  • Autonomy-1

    Most of us live in a state of codependence, be it with our partners, friends or social ...

  • 人生是一个大的Project


  • 陈晓娟作品

    爱 莫文蔚 流年 王菲 ........