TED演讲:Tim Ferriss: Smash fear, learn anything test 尝试做新鲜事,你会紧张害怕吗?Tim给我们的方法是来问问自己"Wh...
TED演讲:Tim Ferriss: Smash fear, learn anything test 尝试做新鲜事,你会紧张害怕吗?Tim给我们的方法是来问问自己"Wh...
Principles Methods Forms Attitudes Principles clarity,simplictity,brevity,humanity and ...
《On Writing Well》一本讲英文非虚构写作的书,不过有很多内容中文写作同样适用。 梳理全书 一、Principles 好的写作的标准——clarity, simp...
PART ONE THOUGHTS 24章讲如何写家族回忆史,养儿方知父母恩,当子孙后代想要了解家族史的时候,族谱和回忆录就起到作用。 Zinsser提到dont try t...
PART ONE THOUGHTS 前面章节所说的风格、结构、意图都是大的决定。这篇章节讲小的决定,文章的架构。Zinsser提到组织好文章结构的重要性等同于写清晰、令人愉悦...
PART ONE THOUGHTS Writing is related to character. If your values are sound, your writi...
PART ONE VOCABULARY 1.travial/ˈtræveɪl/ because I knew that Perelman’s life contained m...
Today is the last part--Attitudes PART ONE SUMMARY In Chapter 20 on the sound of your v...
PART ONE VOCABULARY 1.affliction affliciton:something that causes painor suffering, esp...
讲到幽默感,我平时爱看外国talk show,比如肥伦秀。主持人在不经意间的幽默总能让你会心一笑。但是幽默不是一件容易的事。憨豆先生拍摄了无数让人捧腹大笑的影视剧,但是自身却...
文章中说到埋葬凯撒大帝远容易于赞扬他 ,这同样适用于埃及艳后。找了一张埃及艳后图片。 PART ONE THOUGHTS Good criticism needs a lea...
I. Words & Expressions What I am saying is that I have no patience with the snobbery th...
这篇文章总结起来就是说人话,不要装腔作势。 PART ONE VOCABULARY 1.addressing Many of those people are manager...
今天又get到一本书Slience Spring,这本书之前听老师提过大概讲化学农药危害,我们使用化学农药杀虫,会积累于昆虫的体内,这些昆虫成为其他动物的食物后,一层一层直至...
Content: Part I | Principles1. The Transaction2. Simplicity3. Clutter (Writing clean En...
15 Science and Technology Expressions ...and a pitiful moan will go around the room. go...
Along the way in these memoirs William Zinsser pauses to explain the technical decision...
前面讲访谈、游记,这章讲自传。访谈和游记我看的书不是很多,但是自传看了一些,尤其是对于感兴趣的人,比如郎朗的自传《千里之行》,还有最近在看的Stephen King的"On ...