朋友L在国企工作,上班轻松且清闲,早上8点去办公室坐班,11点去食堂吃饭,然后回家睡午觉,下午3点再去办公室,等到5点就可以下班了。 上班也没什么事,喝喝茶,聊聊天,一天就过...
大家好,我是简书影音馆最萌智商最高的吉祥物——简影喵,大家也可以叫我喵喵。 由于剪刀手小张回老家经营自己的裁缝铺了,所以以后就由我来为大家带来新鲜有趣的影音资讯和犀利透彻的评...
文|时青言 — 1 — 我是土生土长的农村娃,儿时家境十分贫穷,父母小学文凭,是名词中所谓的寒门。 写下此文时,我已大学本科毕业,母校是一所211一本院校;写下此文前,我读过...
This is a little test, I write this article quickly. Just like I am talking to someone....
天气不错,清早的太阳充满着活力,从东方舒展开来。我决定出去走一走。 楼下是一座小广场,广场并不大,不及周围树木的面积。如果不是紧挨着公路,环境有些嘈杂,这倒是一处休闲的好去处...
Today I sightseed the Liugong Island, detailedly visited the Sino-Japeness War Museum. ...
Find the Job that is Right for You. This is a article of my English book. In The United...
hello I'm JenniferHave you ever stood in front of an audience and felt so nervous?That ...
Reading is important, but communication is more important. Today, my father-in-law meet...
Yesterday's meeting, Luke delivered a speech. After I listened to his speech, I found t...
I think I am a good time manager despite stay home. I refuse wait until the last minute...