本周读了赵晓璃的《 从极简到极致:在擅长的领域做一个厉害的人》,受益良多。总体来说,本书非常全面具体地给我们指明了个人精进之道,让我们可以不再混沌迷糊,而是能清晰地规划自己的...
本周读了赵晓璃的《 从极简到极致:在擅长的领域做一个厉害的人》,受益良多。总体来说,本书非常全面具体地给我们指明了个人精进之道,让我们可以不再混沌迷糊,而是能清晰地规划自己的...
Ben Franklin has been dead now for a hundred and fifty years, but the psychology that h...
“我还有生活呢,生活多重要!” ——陶虹 陶虹,回来了。 谁能想到,十八年过去,那个清纯美丽的小龙女,摇身变成了一个强势的母亲。 最近热播的家庭剧《小欢喜》,陶虹因“宋倩”角...
话不多说,let's get started! The black dog made me look and feel older than my years. 黑狗让我看起...
When Mrs. Ruth Hopkins, a fourth-grade teacher in Brooklyn, New York, looked at her cla...
Many years ago a boy of ten was working in a factory in Naples. He longed to be a singe...
After work, accompany Hanbao to practice the piano Three years ago Hanbao said he wante...
A fable about the sun and the windYears ago, when I was a barefoot boy walking through the woods to a country school out ...
I didn't leave the office until 8:30 PM last night It was late getting home I got to th...
Asking questions not only makes an orders more palatable; it often stimulates the creat...
Perhaps everything is too hasty Inadvertently one afternoon, you occasionally appear ...
I was busy until the early morning last night There is too much work to be done every d...