1.好习惯是成功的垫脚石。 Good habits are a stepping stone to success. 2.造句 Reading is a stepping s...
1.好习惯是成功的垫脚石。 Good habits are a stepping stone to success. 2.造句 Reading is a stepping s...
1)翻译下面的句子: 姚明和刘翔让上海人感到骄傲。 Yao Ming and Liu Xiang are a source of pride of Shanghainese....
1.过去几年投资是中国经济的引擎,现在主要是消费在拉动中国经济。 While investment was the engine of China's economy a f...
1.如今,许多美国的大学除了接受托福成绩外,也接受雅思成绩。 Many universities in the United States now accept the IE...
1.很多 CEO 希望能够找到解决企业所有问题的万能药。 Many CEOs hope to find a panacea for solving all enterpris...
1.创业公司的精髓是快速增长。 The essence of startups is rapid growth. 2.造句 The girl has her own spir...
1.这款新的电动汽车将会优于它的竞品。 The new electric car will have an edge over its rivals. 2.造句 Studen...
1.经济学人吸引了很多想提高英语写作水平的人。 The Economist has wide appeal for people who want to improve th...
1.八卦巩固了人们之间的友谊。 The exchange of gossip can cement a friendship. 2.造句 This meeting helpe...
1.我们不能只用财富或者知名度来评估一个人成功与否。 Success cannot be gauged merely by fortune or popularity. 2....
1.雅思考试可以让考生知道自己的英语水平如何。 IELTS enables examinees to get a sense of How proficient their ...
1.能够流利地说一门外语,就意味着在工作中有优势。 Fluency in a foreign language can translate into an edge in t...
1.人们开始担心人工智能的发展。 As artificial intelligence advances, concerns loom. 2.造句 The threat of...
1.苹果公司今天九月发布了新产品。 This September saw the launch of new product. 2.造句 Recent years in Ch...
红墙黄畅,影幽幽黄。天憔悴,服湖青肠。满水硕景,实墙薇蔷。怨好开放,好风光,好鸳鸯。 末影围墙,三尺木方。扬又荡,绝湖波王。何因有梦,染天回肠。想开眼界,开...
1.不同的人生阶段有不同的优先级。 Life priorities vary from stage to stage. 2.造句 Earnings vary from job...
1.最困扰很多二线城市的是人才的短缺。 What troubles Many second-tier cities is a shortage of talent. 2.I ...
1.科技颠覆了出版业。 Technology has upended the publishing industry. 2.造句:Professor Li's English...