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  • @Sherry的小丝儿 很多人都觉得不可爱,难得有人喜欢:blush:

    My good friend.

    This cute little guy is called Diddl. It's from Germany, no one can buy Diddl again, ...

  • My mother

    My mother was tall as the tree and as thin like a mouse.Her long brown hair reached her...

  • 矮油,好可爱的公仔:hamster:

  • The diary of a wimpy kid!

    This book is a child called Greg in the middle school. He and his friends always did ...

  • 120
    My good friend.

    This cute little guy is called Diddl. It's from Germany, no one can buy Diddl again, ...

  • How do astournots live in the ISS

    Iss is the International Space Station. Cleaning their...