9月和10月各考了一次线下考试,Best Score总分102。 9月考试后一直努力想提升Speaking和Writing,但是Speaking没提升,Writing只提高了...
9月和10月各考了一次线下考试,Best Score总分102。 9月考试后一直努力想提升Speaking和Writing,但是Speaking没提升,Writing只提高了...
Exercise 1 P1: government should use which approach to improve children education is an...
Exercise 1 (110w) Nevertheless, a voice arises that money collected as fine or tax from...
Exercise 1 (103w) Furthermore, the fact that most historical sites are funded by the lo...
Exercise 1 (105w) To begin with, the endings in the movies and television programs ofte...
Exercise 1 How to get children prepared for elementary school the best is an issue that...
It is critically important that students learn how to work and cooperate in a group in ...
P1: The reading and the lecture are both about ____.While the author of the article arg...
Reactance refers to when people attempt to restore the freedom by directly contradictin...
When students study these days, many of them also do other things at the same time, for...
It is critically important that we keep getting out to reach new things and take new ch...
Words target: 400 P1 It is critically important that we VERB ... Personally, I believe ...
Well, I think it's a better choice to make friends with people of different ages other ...
Yesterday happened a funny thing. After work, DT drove to pick me up back home. When we...
6 sentences: 90 words Honestly speaking, Well, I think it's a better idea to take risks...
It is critically important that people buy things really based on their personal needs....
Personally speaking, I prefer to make phone calls in order to get information. This is ...
又是被短暂快感充斥的一个晚上,就看了各种短视频和综艺。 最近在看《孝利家民宿》,一档2017年的韩国综艺。一直就很喜欢李孝利,以前看她和刘在石的《家庭诞生》,前阵子又看了刘大...
其实昨天就没有坚持住日更,可今天登上简书一看,系统居然帮我自动复活了;那么再努力一下,坚持再更一波! 好久没有认真地锻炼身体了,去年疫情开始到现在胖了又有10来斤。所以尽管下...