240 发简信
  • 特蕾莎修女所言

    If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish ,ulterior motives, be ...

  • 端午节假期

    最近两次我光顾采摘园 端午节假期又去了采摘园 吃到了久违的自然香甜的小西红柿 真是太好吃了 商家慷慨地给了这个品种的秧苗 我回来之后立刻栽种起来...

    0.2 36 0 1
  • 如何学习一种新语言(2)

    Language is so much more than a bunch of words you need to memorize. Try...

  • 如何学习一种语言(1)

    Start seeing language as a process, not as a finish line. Compare langua...

    0.2 56 0 1
  • 关于选择

    女儿远在异国他乡,本来有稳定的工作,丰厚的收入, 但是她经过认真思考,越来越觉得现有的工作和生活模式不是自己想要的。 于是女儿最近在考虑,打算按...

    0.2 69 0 1
  • You Raise Me Up

    When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary When troubles come and my heart...

    0.1 62 0 1
  • 邓紫琪为科学突破奖颁奖发言

    When I was thirteen. I started writing my own songs. I discovered a deep...

  • 采访约翰.亚萨拉夫(John Assaraf)

    I want to retire by the time I’m forty five with three million dollars I...

  • Beijing Concert

    Recently, I have been immersed in a kind of happiness, that is, my belov...

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