240 发简信
  • 每日听力打卡第十九天

    He felt glad at what she had said. 他对她所说的话感到高兴。 Mike is glad about my co...

    0.4 65 0 1
  • 每日打卡---第十八天

    He ate every bit of his dinner。他把晚餐吃的精光。 I can never resist an ice cream...

  • 每日打卡---第十七天

    Sorry, I didn't get your name。对不起,我没听清楚你的名字。 Use your knife, man!用一下你的刀子...

  • 每日听力打卡——第十六天

    What kind of music do you listen to?你听哪一类的音乐? The total cost will be one...

  • 每日听力——打卡第十五天

    Hi, Aunt Sally. 嗨,萨莉阿姨 Hello. Peter. 你好,彼得 How's the weather in Boston? ...

  • 每日听力打卡——第十四天

    Hello你好Is Alice there?爱丽丝在吗?No, she isn't.不,她不在。She's at the supermarket...

  • 每日听力打卡——第十三天

    She put her troubles behind her。她不再去想她的那些麻烦。 The egg smells。这蛋有臭味。 She h...

    0.6 96 0 2
  • 每日听力打卡——打卡十二天

    She is into music.她喜欢音乐。 I‘m going home.我要回家了 He was still a little angr...

    2.8 50 0 2
  • 每日听力——打开第十一天

    他们想要自己亲眼看到。They want to see for themselves 快,否则你就要来不及了。Hurry up or else ...
