Decades of forest building and protection of the grassland has a heady serious effect i...
Decades of forest building and protection of the grassland has a heady serious effect i...
上海的小学三年级英语教材有错误,把美国说成是America,说Canada和America 位于North America,太滑稽了! 在美国的话,把美国说成America,...
Aromas of Apples Red-beaked swans gliding down, reeds swaying in the wind. Shawu Lietai...
郑重声明:本文系原创作品,首发于简书,文责自负。 1 仲夏午后,乌云铺天而来,大唐岭南道桂州的治所临桂县(今桂林市)陷入一片晦暗。漓水江畔飞沙走石,竹林起涛,树海翻腾。狂风砸...
There are three obituaries circulating online for someone named Yang Yixiao (杨一笑), who ...
In China people who are 60 years of age and more no longer celebrate their birthdays. E...
真想不到,离退休还有3年左右的我,竟突然会想起要每天有计划地背一些英语单词。 而且也就在前三天,每天早上一起床,第一时间就是打开手机百词斩APP,跟着它朗读英语...
从1990年到2022年,全球儿童和青少年的肥胖率增加了四倍,而成年人的肥胖率增加了一倍多。 《柳叶刀》杂志最近发表一篇论文说,2022年,近8.8亿成年人和1.59亿儿童患...
从耶路撒冷传来消息,以色列食品科技初创企业Aleph Farms已获得以色列监管部门的批准,可以上市销售由牛细胞培育而成的牛排。 人造肉是指在实验室或工厂里从动物细胞中培育出...
@075cdf1c3bd3 你好!四级水平就可以了。精选一本小说,反复读,水平会魔幻般提升!加油!
China: warmer temperatures, more acreages lead to a glut in vegetablesMany types of vegetables are selling at prices at the lowest levels of the recent five ...