240 发简信
  • 定投计划

    1.000697 500-1000 <2900点 <2800 2.上证50 200-400 3.计算机 200-400 4.5G 通信 1000-2000 5.3000存款 ...

  • 基金

    基金是一种投资工具(产品),是投资机构筹集投资者手中的钱去投资股票、债券、外汇、货币等标的。 货币基金投资标的主要是一年以内到期的债券。这里投资的债券风险低,一般不投信用债,...

  • 120

    早就接触过医院相关的翻译,还是新手的时候,遇到”某某医院是几级几等医院“的翻译任务,就会在网上搜关键词”医院 一级甲等 hospital“或”医院 二级甲等 grade“,或...

  • much-needed

    1.急需 后面可接 support, assistance, improvement, boost, reform 2.例句 The economic success Chi...

  • alarming

    翻译 It is alarming that the US suicide rate has been increasing in the past few years. 造...

  • educated

    在表达人们应该XX时,即人们缺乏某方面的知识,可用educated 例句: The public should be educated on the pros and con...

  • mindful

    用于写作中 代替 with X in mind realizing X 用法 Mindful of X 或者 Mindful that. 翻译 Mindful of the ...

  • access

    翻译 Man and woman should have equal access to education and employment. 造句 背景 三甲医院因为能提供更...

  • passport

    释义 a thing that ensures admission to or the achievement of something 1. Excellent Engli...

  • backbone

    1.支柱,脊柱,骨干力量 2.勇气,骨气 3.courage and determination He has a crash on Sarah, but doesn't h...

  • Essence

    1.精髓,当我们讨论X的时候实质上是在讨论X. 2.搭配 V+essence capture, convey, embody, encapsulate, represent ...

  • enable

    IELTS enables examinee to know their English proficiency. My goodness come as a daybrea...

  • justify

    His decision can be justified from the economic point of view, but can't justified from...

  • go unnoticed

    用法 双重否定表示肯定 Hardwork hardly go unnoticed. 延伸 go+un___ ex: go unrecognized go unrepor...

  • translate

    1.释义 翻译 ,理解为,意思是 Only a small number of Kadare's books have been translated into Englis...

  • boast

    1.释义 吹嘘、夸耀(一般后面加of about) 有、拥有值得骄傲的财产 something you are proud of and like to tell peopl...