Ivankanomics and the art of being cheap 虽然所有的话题都是围绕着伊万卡的首次公开亮相,但是看起来没有人对伊万卡“最喜爱的手镯”感兴趣。...
Ivankanomics and the art of being cheap 虽然所有的话题都是围绕着伊万卡的首次公开亮相,但是看起来没有人对伊万卡“最喜爱的手镯”感兴趣。...
Day 26神句神词组 1. Last week, it was announced by the brand’s new president Abigail Klem (w...
fuss紧张不安,大惊小怪,小题大作 a show of anger, worry, or excitement that is unnecessary or greater...
Pilgrim朝圣者 a person who makes a journey, often a long and difficult one, to a special p...
Day8 The myth of cyber——security Myth 神话 Look to 朝。。看,依靠 Telecoms=telecommunications电信...
Amazon’s empire The world’s most remarkable firm may eventually be threatened by its ow...