240 发简信
  • 这就是你说的文采不好,别谦虚了😹


    离信纸泛黄的日子还要许久 没有初次的稚气,也没有彼此的猜忌,像今夜的星空,大方而明亮。 多年前曾以为是喜欢,是承诺,是付出,是欢取。后知后觉,是责任,是坦诚,是包容,是...

  • 你的名字,我的故事

    离信纸泛黄的日子还要许久 没有初次的稚气,也没有彼此的猜忌,像今夜的星空,大方而明亮。 多年前曾以为是喜欢,是承诺,是付出,是欢取。后知后觉,是责任,是坦诚,是包容,是...

  • 120
    CHAPTER SEVENTEEN Free Minds and Free Men

    Why do we read? For brilliant? For knowledge? or for entertainment? Maybe there are bet...

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    CHAPTER SIXTEEN The Great Books

    This chapter was intended to introduce the recommended great books that were list in th...

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    CHAPTER FIFTEEN The Other Half

    1.Most people like fiction books. As for the nonfiction book, the mainly readers like n...

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    Chapter Fourteen And still more rules

    These are the basic rules stated by the author enough to apply to any instructive book....