240 发简信
  • Go out to have a relax

    The last few days I stayed at home, taking care of my wife, and doing al...

  • one convenience of living in Shenzhen city

    There is a convenience of living in Shenzhen city, the courier service i...

    0.2 19 0 1
  • Interrupted

    I have ever promised not to interrupt my personal study schedule, especi...

    0.2 27 0 2
  • A new word: boast

    boast, verb, /bost/ 1 to talk too proudly about your abilities, achievem...

    0.2 21 0 1
  • Several New Words

    programme (British English), or program (American English), noun,/ˈproʊˌ...

    0.2 13 0 1
  • Take care of a patient

    The Chinese New Year's Eve, but it had been the busiest of my life so fa...

  • Fifty state's names of the US

    Alabama /ˌælə'bæmə/ Alaska /ə'lɑskə/ Arizona /ˌæri'zəunə/ Arkansas /ˈɑrk...

    0.2 18 0 1
  • A busy day

    Since my wife was hospitalized these days, I had to get up early to make...

    0.2 33 0 2
  • Shenzhen

    We had decided to stay in Shenzhen during the Chinese New Year of 2025. ...

    0.2 19 0 1