悄无声息的暴力和绝望。 当我第一次在文学课上读拜伦的这首诗,脑子里充斥着令人惶然的景象。亚述人像猛兽一样汹涌而来,但抵挡不住死亡天使在耳边悄然的...
正文之前,rip to Avicii。Wake me up的mv里他塑造的理想国其实曾经对我触动很大:http://music.163.com/...
“What is the most important thing in this piece?” Mike, our music teache...
In my life, I sought justification to an OCD level. When arguing with an...
Sheila Birling We can see a lot of contrasts in Sheila Birling and Eva S...
1. Arise The iphone ringtone has always been Arise. I savor the endless ...
朋友们晚上好,又到了一周一度讲笑话的时候。 交响乐团里有四大件,弦乐,木管,铜管和打击乐器。 一般来说我们排列组合都是这样: 但当想皮一下的时候...