1.Random walks The walker begins at the origin,x=0,and the first step is chosen at rand...
徐秋豪 物基一班 2014301020012
Problem 6.1:Write a program to simulate wave motion on a string with free ends.Do this ...
徐秋豪 物基一班 2014301020012
Potentials and FieldsProblem 5.7 背景:In regions of space that do not contain any electri...
徐秋豪 物基一班 2014301020012
Problem4.19:Study the behavior of our model for Hyperion for different initial conditio...
2014301020012 徐秋豪
摘要:Calculate the precession of the perihelion of Mercury,followong the approach describ...
2014301020012 徐秋豪