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    懂你英语 Level 7 Unit 3 Part 1【Being a global citizen 2】

    TED Talk >> Hugh Evans: What does it mean to be a citizen of the world? Now, some peopl...

  • 懂你英语 Level 7 Unit 3 Part 1【Being a global citizen 1】

    TED Talk >> Hugh Evans: What does it mean to be a citizen of the world? I want to intro...

  • 懂你英语 Level 7 Unit 2 Part 3【On Machine Intelligence 1】

    TED Talk >> Zeynep Tufekci: Machine intelligence makes human morals more important So, ...

  • 第四题题目中的选题看成标题了……

    335-2 王王可公号作业内容篇 #运营控课程#

    回顾自己朋友圈分享的10篇文章或链接,写下自己转载的具体动机是什么? 标题:这周深圳广州见(什么样的教育,最有可能成功?) 动机:共鸣打动,随着对教育的关注,发现身边很多的教...