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    Tesla VPP 虚拟电厂

    Colin Breck[https://blog.colinbreck.com] 和 Percy Link 将带大家探索特斯拉VPP虚拟电厂的架...

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    本文原创:小张同学的硅谷随笔 2021年1月9日,特斯拉超越脸书,成为美国第五大上市公司。这离其进入标普500指数仅十多年天的时间。这家处在风...

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    java8 CompletableFuture Stupid As That

    java8 CompletableFuture 和 Scala Future 相比,充斥了没所谓没必要的概念和名词,不过因为需要考察HBase...

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    Akka Extensions

    如果你想在Akka之上添加feature,一个优雅灵活的工具是Akka Extensions,它属于Utilities实用工具集。Extens...

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    Akka DPS(Publish Subscribe)分布式发布订阅

    DPS可以回答两个问题: How do I send a message to an actor without knowing which n...

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    Akka DData分布式数据缓存


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    Lagom is a Swedish word meaning “just the right amount”. 当我们谈论微服务时,大多数人...

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    SI in Action:HTTP + Spring ws

    HTTP 我们知道Spring框架可以帮助开发者实现面向接口编程,基于dependency injection (DI)可以为POJO注入依赖...

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    Spring Integration in Action:File

    EIP的两个靠谱框架:si和mule3,在基本面上思路一致:基于发扬光大Spring OO的解耦能力,达到配置式使用、一定要用上spring ...

Lake Khanka is a freshwater lake on the border between Primorsky Krai, Russia and Heilongjiang province, China.
Akka is the name of a beautiful mountain(that Jonas climbed and skied some years age) in the Laponia region in Northern Sweden. The mountain is also sometimes called 'The Queen of Laponia'. Akka is also the name of a goddness in the Sami(the native Swedish population)mythology. She is the goddness that stands for all the beauty and good in the world. The mountain can be seen as the symbol of this goddness. Also,the name AKKA is the palindrome of letters A and K as in Actor Kernel and returns very few hits on Google.