This passage will introduce the details of implementing Remote Attestation in Pre-OS Sy...
公钥密码系统是本文的理解基础。本文不对公钥密码系统做过多描述。若对公钥密码不熟悉,可以参考阅读维基百科-公开密钥加密 1.信息安全三要素 信息安全中有三个需要解决的问题: 保...
This passage traced the setting-up of LAMP server and some ML&AI relevant knowledge in ...
Last Updated on 04/11/18 This is the extraction of the UEFI development in form of an o...
It is a sunny day and it seems impossible for me to witness snowfall in Beijing this ye...
I generally got accustomed to using English for writing. It is like more convenient for...
Unfortunately I still cannot add Chinese Simplified Keyboard Support to my Ubuntu. Sinc...
Take this article as the entry of my technical blog. It is embarrassing that the Chines...
你这么穷,一定得从童年找原因!文/张宏涛 1有才华的穷人 33岁那年,我突然吃惊地发现,我是我所有同学以及我所认识的朋友中,最穷的一个。我很不能理解,为什么会这样呢?一向优秀的我,为什么会沦落到这么赤贫的...
文/张宏涛 1有才华的穷人 33岁那年,我突然吃惊地发现,我是我所有同学以及我所认识的朋友中,最穷的一个。我很不能理解,为什么会这样呢?一向优秀的我,为什么会沦落到这么赤贫的...