240 发简信
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    几丝清风 卷起了 几瓣落花 几卷残云 盖住了 几段年华 细密的雨丝 织出了 眼中的晚霞 眼角的欣喜 叙尽了 心中的惊讶 「再遇见 可安好?」

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    Everyone has a dream

    Now I want to say something about my dream.What is my dream?I often ask myself.In my ...

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    If there is only one people on the earth ,what will happened?

    I’ve been thinking something is what will happened if there’s only you on the world? ...

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    心血来潮临摹了一张老师的画 山画的圆圆的 萝卜青菜各有所爱 有喜欢画画的,可以联系我哦

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    想要去看最蓝的海 想要去走最美的路 也想要去爱最好那个的人